Renewal Information
Postal Renewals – Any member wishing to renew by post in the historic way (Renewal Form & Catch return centre pages of your membership card pages 19 to 21) will need to include an additional £5 (Per Cheque – Not Member) for admin and handling, but must NOT include a Stamped Addressed Envelope, this will be provided as part of admin and handling.
For clarity, the £5 fee is per cheque so for e.g.: –
A Senior Citizen (with 5 years full and unbroken membership) renewing will pay £95 plus £5 admin, a total of £100 in 1 cheque.
A Senior Citizen (as above) renewing plus a Non-Angler will pay £95 + £15 Plus £5 admin, a total of £115 in 1 cheque.
A Full Member will pay £135 plus £5 admin, a total of £140 in one cheque
A Full Member plus 2 Juniors and 1 Non-Angler will pay £135 + 2x £20 + £15 plus £5 admin, a total of £195 in one cheque
Intermediates Members will pay £55 plus £5 admin, a total of £60.
Renewal Rates For 2024
Full Membership £135.00
Members over 66 with five years Full & Unbroken membership £95.00
Juniors. (See General Rules, Rule 1) £20.00
Intermediates. (See General Rules, Rule 1) £55.00
Non-Anglers. £15.00
Over 80s with 5 years as a full member. Complimentary
The age for concessionary membership with 5 year full and unbroken membership is 66
Online Renewals – Login to the members area and tap the Renewals tab, please remember the first screen will be your catch return, Game Anglers please complete and submit and Coarse Only Anglers should just click submit which will put in a nil return.