Family Fishing

Family Fishing

Fishing is a family friendly activity and you’re never too young (or old) to start. There is no waiting list or joining fee for Junior Members!




Picture courtesy of S Johnson

Fishing with PAAS gives families the perfect opportunity to spend time together in the great outdoors, it’s also a great way to teach kids the art of patience and perseverance, as they wait to land their first catch.





There’s no Waiting List or Joining Fee for Non-Angling (over 18) Members. So parents and relatives can accompany Juniors for a great day out.




Kids will get a real sense of pride if they get to eat the fish they catch, and a much better understanding of where the food we eat comes from.

Ulness Walton Tench Picture courtesy of Martin Salisbury



Fishing is a great way to get them away from the screen for a few hours and there’s no waiting list for Intermediate Membership (16-18 years).



Fishing adventures with your kids provides the opportunity of spending some quality time together as a family, building memories that will last a lifetime.




Many of our waters have footpaths close by and non-fishers can take a stroll whist the odd Grayling can be tempted to take.