Cumbria Fly Fishing

September turned out to be yet another wet month making for unstable river levels and many missed day’s fishing. Although there have been many salmon caught further up the Eden, I have yet to see any fresh fish with the majority being quite coloured from the summer run. It is hard to gauge the timing of salmon runs these days, spring is usually reliable but not so this season, the summer run was fantastic with many grilse and salmon coming in from June and especially July and into August. The autumn run has been at best mediocre these last dozen years or so, maybe that will change in the future who knows. The sea trout didn’t really get going due to high water and cold nights, but there were fish there.
The brown trout was an anti climax again due to no consistency with conditions.
Good numbers of grayling in the pools which saved the day many times, had a good do with them last week in quite shallow water in the faster parts of the pools, best fly being a heavy gold ribbed hares ear.
Please find attached the October tide times.


So there we are, its nearly over and we hope that you have all enjoyed the season, all the very best to you from Glyn and Peter