August Newsletter Cumbria Flyfishing

August began with absolutely ideal water conditions for us, with plenty of grilse and salmon about, there were fish caught and fish lost, it had the makings of our best season for the last few years.
Good salmon numbers everywhere this year probably due to when the trawlers were in furlough over the Covid period, giving salmon the chance to get through and spawn.
Although there was very little opportunity for any night fishing for sea trout throughout the summer due to low temperatures and wrong wind direction, the brown trout and grayling activity started to kick in and the sport was good.
Then the weather gods decided that enough was enough and the heavens opened, this situation continued right through the month putting the river levels constantly at over three foot plus making fishing impossible.
I have never witnessed such a summer for high winds, thunder and heavy rainfall as this one.  Cutting grass and other such duties have been a challenge to say the least, but we got it done. As we speak, the weather patterns remain the same into September. Fingers crossed, six weeks left of the season to do some damage, have a good one everybody!
Please find attached the tide information for September, add two hours and twenty minutes to high tide time shown.
 Kind regards, Glyn and Peter

01697351752 – 07808563788